Rosen Screw Is Available for All Systems
No More Loose Screws!
The Conical Head Will Lock Itself & Prevent Loosening
The Benefits
Of using Rosen Screws
No More Ti-Base
Ti-Base is not needed due to the geometry of the screw head, using Ti-Base has a potential of de-bonding and loosening of the prosthesis
Simple & Reliable
The digital Libraries of the screw allows direct connection of the prosthesis to the MUA. A true screw retained prosthesis

Can Be Tourqe By Hand Only
YES! The head geometry will lock into the screw channel and will provide locking and prevent loosening of the screw, also the screw can be tourqe up to 20N with any material like Resin, PMMA, Graphite and Zirkonia.
Cost Efficient
The Screw cost is competitive with all other conventional screws in the market
Rosen Screw® (For 1.25 Hex Drivers)
make it easier for you
Rosen Screw® (For T5 Drivers)
Use Rosen Screw Up to 30° (ASC) Angle With T5 Driver
Rosen Screw Wave® (For T5 Drivers)
Provides point to surface contact to prevent Screw loosening - Up to 30° (ASC)
Rosen Screw SH® (For T6 Drivers)
Use Rosen Screw SH® Up To 30° Angle With T6 Driver - Great for FP1 cases
more then 1000 customers and still kicking!
Dr Dan Rosen is very innovative personal and still down to earth. I haven been using his Rosen screws since last few years without any problem. He is a true genius and have all practical solutions for any dental problem. Keep rocking Dr Dan.

I have bought 3000 Rosen screws to date. They are awesome!!! The key to getting them to fit is divorcing the occlusal portion of the screw channel with a six round so the screw sinks deeper and grabs the mua below. Rosen screw help u screw better!!!
Long island

I’m a Rosen screw early adopter. We use them every day since they came out. It revolutionized our full arch workflow, made the whole process faster, more efficient and better for my patients. Thank you Dr. Rosen for this great invention and for your contribution to implant dentistry!

The Rosen screw is a revolutionary part that has changed my practice! It has become an essential part of my full arch workflow. Going straight to the MUA and skipping the Ti- base eliminates the weak link in the restoration. Delivery of these full arch cases is so much more predictable. Highly recommended.